Employment Services allow waiver participants to find paid work in the community. Our Employment Services include a Job Assessment, Job Finding, and Supported Employment.
Job Assessment: Includes reviewing the participant’s work history, interests, and skills to determine what types of jobs and/or training will be best for them. The provider then suggests what kinds of jobs in the community match the participant’s skills, abilities, and interests. If the participant also is getting Behavioral Specialist Services (BSS), then Job Assessment and Job Finding should be done in a way that includes using the behavioral support plan and the crisis intervention plan.
Job Finding: Job Finding includes finding a specific job that matches the participant’s skills and interests with an employer’s needs. If the participant also is getting Behavioral Specialist Services (BSS), then Job Assessment and Job Finding should be done in a way that includes using the behavioral support plan and the crisis intervention plan.
Supported Employment: Provides ongoing help in keeping a job once the waiver participant has found employment. The Supported Employment service is used to lessen the need for help by supporting the participant in being successful at work without special aid or intervention. The service is provided for participants who, because of their disability, need ongoing support to function in a work setting. Supported Employment is delivered in a community job setting, either volunteer or paid, which includes co-workers who are not disabled.